A Knee Bike
Over the summer we have had a number of guests take advantage of some rather snazzy (if a little bottom hurty!?!) e-bikes - love them or hate them they’re here and to our knowledge they’ve already saved one marriage and enabled a number of others to ride in in our marvellous mountainous playground.
I’ve always been a little skeptical about e-bikes and have seen them as some sort of cheating, if you can’t pedal up it yourself then is it really an achievement? I’ve had my mind changed. You still have to pedal the beast up the hill, it levels the playing field a little in that non cyclists can keep up with cyclists and those with injuries (particularly knee related ones, pre and post operation) can enjoy the freedom of cycling as a group.
‘Knee’ bikes we salute you for helping our injured friends to enjoy the outdoors and for saving marriages! - long may it continue :)